5. Aplikace

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Aktuální verze pomocných aplikací a knihoven. Po stažení a rozbalení nakopírujte do adresáře BIN ve složce s instalací modulu Mzdy.

Files in 5. Aplikace

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Submitted by Alexoft on 28.01.2024 and has been downloaded 1442 times

Aplikace pro odesílání zpráv na pozadí.

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Submitted by Alexoft on 28.01.2024 and has been downloaded 151 times

Externí tisková aplikace.

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Submitted by Alexoft on 28.01.2024 and has been downloaded 195 times

Knihovny DLL pro Mzdy32.

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Submitted by Alexoft on 30.06.2023 and has been downloaded 1721 times

Knihovna SQLite pro Mzdy32.

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Submitted by Alexoft on 17.04.2022 and has been downloaded 992 times

Aktualizační aplikace pro Mzdy32.

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Submitted by Alexoft on 24.10.2018 and has been downloaded 164 times

Vývojová verze externí tiskové aplikace.

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Submitted by Alexoft on 01.08.2015 and has been downloaded 1189 times
File icon


Submitted by Alexoft on 01.01.1000 and has been downloaded 88 times

Knihovny BPL pro Mzdy32.

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